CytoGenomic Medical Laboratory Official Representative PRENASCAN

At CytoGenomic, we believe that our strength is our Knowledge

CytoGenomic Medical Laboratory is specialized in state-of-the-art genetic testing. Applying the latest technologies, the laboratory offers a full range of genetics-related services, comprising clinical genetics, molecular genetics, cytogenetics and genetic screenings, including prenatal genetic screening, to discover the causes of various conditions, thus aiming to assess the patient, to facilitate clinical management and to prevent the transmission of hereditary diseases.


How is the examination conducted?

The test is performed from the 10th week of pregnancy

We collect a blood sample from the pregnant woman, which is then examined in our laboratory

The test results are available within 7 business days

Most common aneuploidiesDetectED
Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)*
Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome)*
Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome)*

*Validated in twins as well

Other aneuploidiesDetectED
Trisomy 9
Trisomy 16
Trisomy 22
Rare autosomal aneuploidies
Sex chromosome aneuploidiesDetectED
X0 (Turner syndrome)
XXY (Klinefelter syndrome)
XXX (Triple X syndrome)
XYY (Jacobs syndrome)
Gender determinationDetecTED
Fetal sex
Deletion (loss) or duplication of chromosome segment >= 7 Mb


PRENASCAN is a test that assesses the risk
of fetal genetic abnormalities from a blood sample of the pregnant woman.

Benefits of the PRENASCAN examination


  • Non-invasive test with no risk of spontaneous miscarriage
  • Conducted from the 10th week of pregnancy


  • Detects the widest range of genetic abnormalities among available blood tests
  • Determines fetal gender


  • Only 10 ml of blood are required for the examination
  • Blood is collected from the pregnant woman and then sent to the laboratory

Result certainty

  • Less than 1.2% unreportable results and repeated collections

Results within a week

  • Test results are available within 7 business days

Reliable results

  • Test is validated for the detection of rare chromosomal anomalies, accounting for up to 25% of findings

Principle of the test

During pregnancy, free fetal DNA enters the mother‘s bloodstream, creating a mixture of circulating maternal and fetal DNA fragments.

The method of massive parallel sequencing allows us to assign each of the millions of DNA fragments in the mother‘s plasma to the chromosome it originates from, thus identifying an excess or deficiency of DNA from a specific chromosome in the fetus.

When should I undergo the examination?

  • At higher maternal age (over 35 years)
  • When there is an increased risk of chromosomal trisomy detected during biochemical screening without ultrasound findings
  • When there is an atypical screening result with borderline risk
  • During pregnancy following assisted reproduction
  • If there are concerns about the fate of the fetus

What risks can be detected?

  • Extra chromosome number 21 (trisomy) causing Down syndrome
  • Trisomy of chromosome 18 causing Edwards syndrome
  • Trisomy of chromosome 13 causing Patau syndrome
  • Trisomy of chromosomes 9, 16, and 22 increasing the risk of spontaneous miscarriage
  • Changes in the number of X and Y chromosomes determining the gender of the fetus (e.g., Turner syndrome (monosomy X), Klinefelter syndrome (trisomy XXY))
  • Disorders associated with the loss or excess of chromosomes or their parts (deletions, duplications, copy number variations)

The risk of Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, and Turner syndrome based on the mother‘s age in the second trimester

The risk of Down syndrome and Edwards syndrome increases
with mother‘s age. However, the risk of Turner syndrome is age-independent and, up to a certain age, even higher than the risk for Down syndrome.

* Based on study PMID: 19050929

Comparison of the success rate in detecting Down syndrome using screening methods

Integrated Test
Combined Test
Serum Integrated Test
Triple test

In the case of a positive result, the finding must be confirmed by invasive fetal examination – genetic testing of fetal tissue obtained through chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis (AMC).

How do I schedule my PRENASCAN test?

You can program yourself through the form available on the website
or by calling: Tel: +40 758 166 298

You can also send an e-mail to: